How to make a player house spawn in mountains and stop spawning in deserts

Please read this first

As we've learned, we can configure biomes through tags within data-packs. We'll use this option here to customize the biomes, where the player house can spawn.

Create a data-pack

This is very simple. First, open the directory where Minecraft stores its files:

If you have started Minecraft with Shrines already, it created a datapacks directory here, otherwise create it yourself.

We'll now add our own data-pack. Just replace MyDataPack with a name for your data-pack: Create a new directory named MyDataPack. Next, we create a new text file called pack.mcmeta and fill it with the following:

  "pack": {
    "description": "Customization Data-Pack to modify biome tags",
    "pack_format": 9

As you might have guess, you can write whatever you want into the description. We'll now create a couple of directories, so the following directory structure arises: /data/shrines/tags/worldgen/biome/has_structure.

As we want to modify the biomes for the player house, we create a file called player_house.json. See a list of available tags here:

The default value of this tag looks like this (at the time of 4.0.0-alpha7)

  "replace": false,
  "values": [

If you wanted to add more biomes here for example #minecraft:is_mountain (Please note # means a tag itself), you don't need to override the values which improves compatibility with other data-packs. The file could look like this:

  "replace": false,
  "values": [

If you wanted to remove biomes, you have to override the file, there is no option to remove just a selected amount of biomes. To remove the desert biomes and add the mountain ones, the file could look like this:

  "replace": true,
  "values": [

If you want to add just one single biome, not a whole tag, you can do that too:

  "replace": false,
  "values": [

Last updated